Overlay shape

HI56 is a fully-moulded semi-finished disc with a neutral aspheric fully-formed high quality optic, therefore requiring no lathing, only the milling of the haptic. In addition, HI56 requires no polishing, the ideal solution to low-cost/high volume hydrophobic IOLs.

Specifically formulated to fulfil modern-day demands for a hydrophobic intraocular lens material, HI56 offers a unique combination of high refractive index, tensile strength and flexibility, for small incision and fast unfolding time.

HI56 Technical Data

More from the range


Contamac’s IOL range encompasses a selection of hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials. They include both moulded and lathe-cut options, featuring a blend of purified monomers, combining consistency with state-of-the-art quality standards.